Explore our extensive range of high-quality ammunition, precision-engineered weapons, and military-grade spare parts. As a trusted industry leader, we deliver excellence worldwide.
Total Arms is a distinguished global entity renowned for its unparalleled expertise in delivering tailored defense procurement solutions to Manufacturers, Distributors, and Retailers worldwide. With over a decade of experience, we stand as a paragon of procurement proficiency within the Aerospace and Defense industries. Our operational framework spans three core sectors: retail, wholesale, and military/government, allowing us to cater to a diverse range of needs with precision and reliability.
At our company, we proudly serve Military, Governments, and Law Enforcement Agencies worldwide. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, we offer top-tier products and services in the Weapons Industry. From high-quality Ammunition to precision-engineered Military Grade Spare Parts, we deliver solutions that meet the most demanding requirements.
An ideal chassis well suited for armoring conversion with the powerful engine and ample room for 7-9 passengers. The largest interior in its class gives the passenger comfort with uncompromisable storage. Our armored security vehicle has proven itself in the field for many years and are favorite of Governments and security professionals worldwide.
Please contact Alexander Defense for vehicle consultation.
It is currently Alexander Defense main selling weapon.
Our commitment to quality and reliability ensures that our clients operate at peak performance in the most demanding environments. Additionally, we provide ITAR-compliant exporting and importing services, guaranteeing global reach while upholding the highest standards of compliance.
Our commitment to quality and reliability ensures that our clients operate at peak performance in the most demanding environments. Additionally, we provide ITAR-compliant exporting and importing services, guaranteeing global reach while upholding the highest standards of compliance.
Get information about our wide range of military spare parts.
A Global Standard of Excellence in Defense and Ammunition Manufacturing.
Our unwavering commitment to innovation,precision, and security has earned us a reputation as a trusted and respected partner on the international defense stage.
CEO: Lex Anderson
HEAD OF ASIA: Michael Kim
US: +1-972-750-0116
Intl:. +82-10-5424-1206
E-mail. [email protected]
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E-mail. [email protected]
Head Office Address. 254 Chapman Rd. Ste 208 #11656 Newark, DE 19702
INTL Address. Seoul korea
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María Magdalena 156, Quilicura, Santiago | +569XXXXXXX | Email: [email protected]
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